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Answer the Call

Life Lessons From Family Origins Through Invention and Struggle 



Meet Motivational Speaker Jorge V. Gonzalez, the Author of ‘Answer the Call’

We live in a society where different types of people live. Some need a push to work well in life, so motivational speakers and influencers exist. They dedicate their lives to inspiring and encouraging people to take the leap in life and be victorious. Jorge V. Gonzalez is one of those speakers.


The road to success is never easy; it takes a lot of effort and sacrifice to achieve it. Only people who are willing to take risks in life can take this road. Jorge V. Gonzalez mustered up the courage to walk on the road and proved to be triumphant. His success story features many highs and lows of life that contribute to his today

Best-Selling Author Jorge V. Gonzalez Sees Love and Compassion as a Drive to Motivate People

Have you ever wondered how successful people continue to prosper despite many trials and complications in life?

It is their love and compassion to pursue their careers and help others. As an accomplished author, Jorge V. Gonzalez has always promoted love and peace to motivate others to pursue their dreams in life.

Coming from a humble family background that moved to the U.S as part of the Bracero program, Jorge learned always to have a positive outlook on life and help others. He is the first American generation from a Mexican immigrant family and is responsible for keeping his ancestor’s legacy alive.

Inventor and Author Jorge V. Gonzalez Sheds Light on His Groundbreaking Invention That Can Help Players Swing for the Fences

The Batting Pro” is a revolutionary invention by Jorge V. Gonzalez designed as a training aid for beginners to improve muscle memory for baseball and softball. A chance witness of a Dodger game and a sudden passion motivated Jorge’s daughter to pursue a career in the sport. Her dad being a supportive parent, was ready to fulfill her dreams. 

The mastermind behind this training aid, Jorge, came up with the idea to build a structure. With the improvisation and modification, The Batting Pro became one of the best tools to learn baseball or softball for his daughter.

Inventor and YouTuber Jorge V. Gonzalez Is on the Mission to Change Lives through ‘The Batting Pro’

God has made humankind the greatest creation on earth with the ability to reason and think logically. Humans have created many inventions throughout history, big or small, that can facilitate work or learn something. The Batting Pro by Jorge V. Gonzalez is one of those inventions that makes learning softball or baseball easier for beginners; it will help them correct their batting technique and muscle memory.

Jorge is a YouTube content creator who dedicates most of his content to motivating others. In a harsh world where everyone competes and makes others feel miserable, he uses his positive light to shine on pessimistic individuals. Jorge gives them hope by tapping into their talent, gifted by God. He believes that many people haven’t recognized their gifts, which is why they struggle to keep up with the world. By working on their talent, followers can become the greatest human beings on this planet.

Life’s purpose is difficult to find, but it becomes a little easier if you have mentor guidance. Every human has some purpose of fulfilling on earth, and Jorge believes that bringing positivity in people is his purpose in life. Just like his invention of ‘The Batting Pro.’ The idea for designing a training aid came from his daughter, who wanted to play softball. Being a supportive dad, Jorge did his best to provide the best facility for his daughter. He came up with a brilliant idea for the design and structure of the machine.

Content Creator Jorge V. Gonzalez Shares His Inspiration Behind ‘The Batting Pro’

Everyone dreams of providing the best to their family with their little income. Some work extra nights to make more money, while others build something to offer the best lifestyle for their family. Jorge V. Gonzalez is a content creator and inventor of ‘The Batting Pro,’ a softball/baseball training aid for young kids and beginners.

Like every other individual, Jorge also struggled to provide the best for his family. Being a responsible dad, he worked hard as an assistant coach for his daughter to pursue her career in softball.

Jorge saw that his daughter and many other girls were not selected for local community teams because of their petite figure, so he went shopping to buy good equipment to assist her with training. Seeing that nothing could facilitate his daughter in training, Jorge came up with a brilliant idea to build something that could help petite figures improve their batting and muscle memory.

Here’s What You Need to Know about Motivational Speaker and Realtor, Jorge V. Gonzalez

Many people know life or have experienced it most to advise others about it. Among them, some choose to dedicate their lives to helping others find life’s purpose. Jorge V. Gonzalez is a motivational speaker who uses his voice to encourage others to find life’s meaning. He is also a professional real estate agent with many years of experience helping families build generational wealth.

Life is like walking on a landmine; you never know what each step will be, whether it will give you an explosion of hardships and failures or a safe standing. Jorge grew up in a Mexican immigrant family in the U.S. He found it hard to adjust to the new living style, but he knew his survival depended on it. Unlike his childhood friends who fell into drugs and street life, Jorge worked day and night to succeed in life. Achieving adulthood for him felt like an accomplishment, like making out of a landmine alive.

Jorge dedicates his success to his family’s sacrifice in the past. He shoulders this responsibility to keep his family’s legacy alive for a long time through his influence. Jorge began his career in the warehouse distribution and logistics industry for 20 years. However, an accident made him disabled, badly affecting his mental well-being.

Jorge regards overcoming his mental distress as the biggest achievement in life. In his book, Answer the Call: Life Lessons From Family Origins Through Invention and Struggle, he talked about overcoming his disabled state by changing his career to the real estate industry. For Jorge, real estate felt like a refreshing drink that motivated him to break all walls of limitations in his way. He is now one of the award-winning real estate agents at Keller Williams Realty.




Crystal Gonzalez of Oxnard was 7 years old when her dad took her to her first Dodger game — and from that point on, “I fell in love with the sport of baseball.”

That love continued as she entered the fourth grade, and her best friend started playing softball.

“I asked her, ‘what is softball?’ ” Crystal, now 20, recalled. “She said it’s like baseball but for girls. I was like, ‘No way,’ and I got home and told my dad, ‘I want to play softball.’ ”

Her dad, Jorge V. Gonzalez, was supportive from the start and enrolled her in the Mermaids Softball League in Oxnard. He soon realized his daughter faced challenges due to the fact that she was physically smaller than many of the other players, and new to the sport.

“She was really petite and all the players got picked up and my daughter and the smaller girls didn’t get picked up,” he recalled. “So I became an assistant coach because I was fully committed to helping my daughter with her softball experience. And we went out shopping to find equipment that would help her with her swing.”

This shopping excursion was “a shock,” he said, “because there wasn’t anything out there.”

One evening in 2010, Jorge went to sleep and woke up around 3 a.m. with an idea.

“I had this perfect picture of this machine,” he remembered. “So I sketched it out on a piece of paper and went back to sleep.”

The next morning, he went back to the sketch, “and I was really nervous and excited because it was like, wow, this is real,” he said. “Throughout the next day I started doing some research, cleaned up the sketch, and it was in the office in my house.”

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Jorge V. Gonzalez Po box 5756 

Oxnard Ca 93031 

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